Txt from Ex

Random text from an ex from long ago, like 2 or 3 months(notredhead):

One more thing, for your self confidence or something. Your good at making out. Compared to some others.

What the hell is that? also do all girls just tell guys that they are good kissers? because I get that from everyone.

NLP is lame

This post was inspired by a post by someone I read on another blog, and this is in no way a bash on him, he’s a good guy. Now on to the NLP bashing; NLP is really REALLY stupid when it comes to seduction, Pick up arts, the game or whatever else you want to call the community. The game is not ONLY about the women (they may just be the best part though), it’s about improving your lifestyle and if all you’re doing is hypnotizing women, what have you improved on? You are still the same old loser that you were before except with a few tricks. If you want to get good with women I suggest the good old natural route: Improving your surroundings, improving your friends, and improving yourself.

OK I’m done with NLP bashing for now, now I’m off to go fix up my pad (all day 😦 ) so I will be back on later to hopefully Improve the site a little, answer comments, and to write a post on my new year’s events.


p.s. If anyone has links about a good way to fix up my pad, that would be great.


Hello, my name is Rubix. I can’t tell you my real name in fear of my identity being figured out by those in field; sorry. Sense this is my first post I guess introductions are in order *warning depressing shit ahead* . I’ve been into the game for a little bit now.. really only half assing it.. using it mostly to hook up with ex’s just for validations sake. Oh and I am only 18 and 2 months, SHOCKER! Anyways now that we have that out of the way we can get back to the story :).

So I’ve come to a point in my life where I look around me and I have realized that I need to change or I’m gonna be as fucked up as those around me, or worse. To give an example here are the backdrops of the people I’m friends/were friends with:

—-Names have been ****ed out for privacy—-

Me-Stoner, barely passing school, drugy, faker

*****-Stoner, Alcoholic, Whore, Drugy

*****-Has a kid, Lives at home with her single and poor mom, B/F is in jail, only 17

*****-Died in an alcoholic car crash (his fault)

*****- Gang banger now, Gang’s sex whore, Drugy

*****-Fat pathetic loser, Stoner

*****-messed up in the head, Stoner, Drugy, Whore *she is super hot though*

*****-Still really nice and doing good in school and life but is friends with above.. also she is a stoner

*****-lucky girl moved

*****-Multiple suicide attempts, Cutter, Stoner, Drugy, Alcoholic, Married by 18

*****-Just a stupid annoying whore

“Cool Gangster Friends”-All dropped out and haven’t seen or heard them sense

*****-ODed in school, dropped out, cutter, poet, suicidal

*****-Alcoholic, Drugy, Stoner, Cutter, attempted suicide, drunk abusive dad, dad raped her, she moved

*****-Funny midget (really!), stoner

*****-She was balemic(sp?) in middle school and a cutter but I managed to help her out.. until the school districts changed for some reason and split our school in 2 categories; those who stayed, and those who left.. she left and was balemic again,then stoner, alcoholic, and super shallow

*****-Stoner,Drugy, and last time anyone heard from him he was hiding somewhere in texas from some mexican gangs he riped off up here

*****-used to be real smart and sweet but now she is emo,sluty,and an alchy

*****-was actually my very first real relationship.. lasted 3 months in elementry school and didn’t even kiss her… I hear she’s a lesbian now

*****-Not sure whats up with her…

*****-used to be cool but now he’s a drugy loser but he sure does get laid though

*****-fat pathetic fucker who sells coke now… but he has always been a fat pathetic fucker

***** and *****- put these 2 together because they are religious nuts and are total nerds who never get laid, also sad fuckers

*****(Buddha)-is an old football buddy from waaay back, he is actually doing pretty good besides being fat (he needs to be for the offensive line), he’s got a LTR going  and his life is overall pretty good, good for you man


Ok, see that was just so you get the point of where I am coming from. Now it may not seem so but I actually live in a pretty nice neighborhood, full of beautiful women and opportunity, I guess I was just with the wrong crowd. Everyone around me is either dead, dieing, or slowly rotting away like a crab being sooo sllloowlly boiled he doesn’t even notice. My goal is to step up my game and have some crazy fun adventure and also to improve my life-style 10 fold.

 Now I’ve always seen the huge role of “self development” in the game and I believe it will really help me make it out of here. So I guess now is the time for change, now is the time to really start my adventure and really start improving my life. Wish me luck.