Gay Cats Routine

Initial hook: Start the story with, “Have you ever met a gay cat?” After this, you’ll have the undivided attention of your audience.

PUA: Ok, get this, my friend Sara, bought 3 cats some time ago. I dont know what she was thinking when she bought them, but she bought all three *male* cats. It was so funny. When I would go to her place to visit her, I would see the cats spooning each other, sometimes even licking each other.

HB: smiling

PUA: No Really. I told Sara “you know what, I think they’re gay, I mean not gay by birth, but maybe prison gay…you know. I mean they havent seen a female cat in months…what are they supposed to do” So Sara started getting freaked out, its amazing how she never thought about it. And we decided one day that we’re gonna do something about it, coz the last thing Sara wanted were gay cats. So we embarked on a mission to find a female cat.

HB: hehehe

PUA: And Sara had a neighbor that she really hated, he had a female cat, so once while the guy was away, we stole it and put it in the room with three male cats. Only God knows what happened then.


Punchline: “So now her neighbor’s cat is knocked up. So pretty soon I think I know where you can get your very own little gay kitten!”

Cat String Theory

Cats don’t take orders, but they can be tempted to chase. If you tie a feather to the end of a string, and use it properly, you can get a cat to perform acrobatics. But as soon as you put the feather down in front of the cat, she will turn up her nose and walk away bored.

Cats are always curious, especially about shiny new things such as the ball on a string, the catnip, the treats, the feather on a string etc. She can be easily destracted, but once she is invested in trying to catch something, it can become her single minded focus.

There is a lot to learn from cats. If you push a cat off of you, she jumps back into your lap. If you want to hold her, then she wants you to put her down. If she is feeling nasty she might bite of scratch. She craves attention and she gets jealous of other cats. Sometimes she’ll just rub against you and purr with contentment, you can really tell when a cat likes someone.

A cat sees the feather from across the room, but continues about her business. Then the feather slightly moves and her gaze is drawn. When the feather jumps just once or twice more, she starts to steadily creep in its direction. Jerk the string at just the right time, and the cat suddenly goes crazy, running circles around the room, flying over furniture, doing everything to catch the feather.

As a PUA you must balance validation and attention so it is just out of her reach but not completely unattainable as she will lose interest and give up.



Hoop Theory

“You do NOT have to answer questions asked of you. In HOOP THEORY, a girl gives you a HOOP and AFCs think they HAVE to jump through it. Simply, grab the hoop FROM HER and get her to jump through it or present another hoop to HER. OR … just don’t jump through her hoop and leave it at that. SILENCE is often the BEST REPLY.”

Grabbing her hoop:
HB: Will you buy me a drink?
YOU: Buy ME a drink and we will see.

Putting up a new hoop:
HB: Why are you talking to me?
YOU: Hey why do you do wear your lipstick like that?

HB: What is with your shirt?


How To Qualify

How To Qualify

 Borrowed from mystery
Try to approach this from a very natural perspective. Ask yourself – what do you want in a woman besides looks? Does this woman meet your standards as a human being? In Magic Bullets, Savoy says, “Figure out what you really want in a woman, and then take this a step further by asking yourself how a woman who possessed those characteristics would present herself. Now, spend your Qualification phase looking for precisely that. For example, among other things, I value intelligence and education. I screen for this in qualification, by asking her about books she has read and movies she has seen.” This is spot on.

I personally ask the following questions in qualification:

  • ‘Cool people are a dying breed. What do you do for fun?’
  • ‘I get the feeling that you’re job doesn’t completely fulfil you creatively. Do you have a passion outside of work?’
  • ‘My ex used to say that there are two types of people in this world – boring and crazy. What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve done lately?’ (NB this is sometimes followed by – ‘where’s the craziest place you’ve had sex?’)
  • ‘So what do you want to be when you grow up?’
  • ‘What would you say are your 3 best qualities?’

Importantly, do not just IOI directly after the response that they give. I always inquire deeper into the interest/topic/issue. Only when they say something unique, should you actually give an IOI (or reward and relate) – see below for more on this.

Common Mistakes

  • Don’t simply give IOI’s for anything she says while qualifying. Try and inquire a little bit deeper and get some unique information out. Qualification is a form of connecting to the girl on a more emotional level. For example, is you say, “Are you adventurous?” and she says “Yes”, don’t just stop there! Ask her “So what’s the most adventurous thing you’ve done lately?” When she describes it to you, only then reward and relate. The point is to make her work a little bit for your approval.
  • Qualification can get boring if you’re not being inquiring. The crux point is this: the attraction phase is based more on wide repore (i.e. multiple conversational threads, changing topics and transitioning incessantly). The qualification phase is based more on deep repore (i.e. emotional connection, asking questions, reward and relating).
  • Don’t forget to sexually escalate during, and after, qualification. What I mean by sexual escalation is moving towards the kiss close and/or establishing sexual interest and/or establishing that you are a sexual threat. It’s fine to escalate during the qualification (in fact you should be doing this) but once you have actually qualified her, you definitely should escalate further. I might make a completely separate post of proper escalation if there is enough interest but for now, you can sexually escalate by any combination of the following: keeping strong eye contact (‘bedroom’ eyes), triangular gazing, lowering your tonality, allow conversation to gravitate towards sexual topics and keeping prolonged or more intimate kino (e.g. touch/hold her hands or touch back of neck if she is talking into her ear).

Introduction (for the seduction bible)

Hey hash and fred good to see others my age on here, I’m 18.

My story is short and simple, I was born a natural. I was fooling around with girls by the age of 5 (or was it 6?). Sense it’s hard to get girls to sleep with you at those ages and even all the way up until maybe 16 or 18 I’ve only slept with 2 women but fooled around with about 20(to the point of getting off).

Now you may be wondering “then what the hell are you doing here?”. Well I fell in love freshman year of high school and dated this awsome russian 8.5, who was a great g/f, for about a year and 2 months. I can now speak russian thanks to that haha and women love it.

But also thanks to that when we broke up, I actually broke up with her, mostly from pressure of like 3 or 4 different girls yelling at me to break up with her >_< . Then about an hour or 2 after doing that i of course run screaming back “take me take me!” of course she said no.

I went through hell for awhile especially considering she led me on into thinking we MAY get back together again.. but later according to her she was just using me as her boy toy till  she found the next guy.

That put me through more hell and i spent the next 3 years of highschool in hell. Jerking off every day after school, screwing up with women i should have gotten just fine. Denying women who wanted me. not shaving (still don’t i look good a little unshaven). Generally slowly rotting away.

Then one day i was all “women suck! I’m gonna learn to fuck them and then dump them” of course thats just bullshit because i was just so mad at the time. Then i googled “how to get laid” and came apon ross jefferies free “lay guide”. I have been deep in the community ever sense. By the way i love women was just in that moment of anger and rage and frustration that i felt that way.. it helped me change so I’m glad for it. I am also glad that I met that russian that “ruined my life” because it led me to this life and it is by far so much better then my AFC days.
I rock at isolation and escalation. My downfall is actually in the approach and I am working on it. Not gonna lie, I would love to be a Pick Up Artist one day, but for now I’m really nothing more than a player.
